MIZ EXPORTS produces and works with roughly 100 minerals, which are an important source for earning foreign exchange as well as satisfying domestic needs. Pakistan also exports the many types of minerals

MIZ EXPORTS supply pure Himalayan Salt that contains up to 98 percent binary compound. The remaining salt consists of trace minerals, like potassium, magnesium, and calcium. These give the salt its light pink tint.

Although Western Australia is renowned for its deposits of gold, the first commercial mineral export from Western Australia was lead. In the late 1800s, the Northampton lead field yielded many fine specimens of galena.

The export of unroasted iron pyrite (sulfur, pyrite, pyrite or sulfide of iron ore) is preferred for its use in the glass and casting industry. It is also used for stainless steel smelting and the chemical industry.
What are minerals in the body?
They include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride and sulfur. You only need small amounts of trace minerals. They include iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride and selenium. Most people get the amount of minerals they need by eating a wide variety of foods
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You benefit from every innovation, whether it involves a simple extension to our Air and Ocean Freight products, whether it means a development in warehousing.
All of which explains why you’ll find the team of outstanding support at MIZ Exports ready to apply their passion for solutions in support of your business.